A collaboration in rising up
A collaboration in rising up
The Last Bird invitation
The Last Bird invitation

Inkjet print, pins

Useless things
Useless things

Bell jar, assorted broken gadgets, damaged but functioning iPhone displaying performance documentation, cables, molded paper pulp packaging, Frogtape


Flypaper, flies, glass, particle board

Useless Things, Electrical Interference, and Dead Birds
Useless Things, Electrical Interference, and Dead Birds
Dead Bird Fridge
Dead Bird Fridge

Multi-media picture frame displaying images of birds killed from window strikes on the windows at Tyler School of Art, fridge containing those dead birds, Frogtape, padlocks

True Timber
True Timber

Clothing tag, pins, MDF with printed wood veneer

Found Context #2
Found Context #2

Hair, glass, particle board

Climbing the Building
Climbing the Building

Inkjet print, pins

Personal Discard Study
Personal Discard Study

Laminated particle board, used coffee cups and kombucha bottles, mold, bell jar, hair, Frogtape

What the world needs now (single channel video)
What the world needs now (single channel video)

MacBook Pro, molded paper pulp packaging, particle board, inkjet print, Frogtape lid

What the world needs now
Climbing rig 1
Climbing rig 1

Industrial strength suction cup, carabiner, tubular webbing, nylon paracord, glass, particle board with wood veneer

SLF Dossier
SLF Dossier

Inkjet prints, Folder, Cardboard boxes

For the birds
For the birds

Birdseed, Particle board shelf

Tick Container
Tick Container

Glass, Frogtape, cardboard, particleboard

A collaboration in rising up
A collaboration in rising up

Particle board, steel, Schuylkill River mud, Frogtape

A collaboration in rising up
The Last Bird invitation
Useless things
Useless Things, Electrical Interference, and Dead Birds
Dead Bird Fridge
True Timber
Found Context #2
Climbing the Building
Personal Discard Study
What the world needs now (single channel video)
What the world needs now
Climbing rig 1
SLF Dossier
For the birds
Tick Container
A collaboration in rising up
A collaboration in rising up
The Last Bird invitation

Inkjet print, pins

Useless things

Bell jar, assorted broken gadgets, damaged but functioning iPhone displaying performance documentation, cables, molded paper pulp packaging, Frogtape


Flypaper, flies, glass, particle board

Useless Things, Electrical Interference, and Dead Birds
Dead Bird Fridge

Multi-media picture frame displaying images of birds killed from window strikes on the windows at Tyler School of Art, fridge containing those dead birds, Frogtape, padlocks

True Timber

Clothing tag, pins, MDF with printed wood veneer

Found Context #2

Hair, glass, particle board

Climbing the Building

Inkjet print, pins

Personal Discard Study

Laminated particle board, used coffee cups and kombucha bottles, mold, bell jar, hair, Frogtape

What the world needs now (single channel video)

MacBook Pro, molded paper pulp packaging, particle board, inkjet print, Frogtape lid

What the world needs now
Climbing rig 1

Industrial strength suction cup, carabiner, tubular webbing, nylon paracord, glass, particle board with wood veneer

SLF Dossier

Inkjet prints, Folder, Cardboard boxes

For the birds

Birdseed, Particle board shelf

Tick Container

Glass, Frogtape, cardboard, particleboard

A collaboration in rising up

Particle board, steel, Schuylkill River mud, Frogtape

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